Perfect match: the best complex for healthy teeth and bones

Calcium & Magnesium with Cal-D-Mag by Gold Ration is a bioactive vitamin-mineral complex that combines two essential minerals, potassium and magnesium, in a specially formulated organic chelate form of minerals to maximize absorption by the body with enhanced action to strengthen bones and teeth.

Component Properties

There are 86 trace elements in the human body. Some of them are called structural, since they make up 99% of the elemental composition of the human body.

These include: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, iron. The growth, development and health of the body directly depend on the amount of minerals: they affect hematopoiesis, bone formation, absorption processes in the intestines, are responsible for the acid-base balance, perform the function of nerve conduction, intracellular respiration, and much more.

In a rather aggressive urban environment with huge psychophysiological stress, stress and poor ecology, the lack of useful microelements poses a rather serious danger to our health. If you lead an active lifestyle or play sports, micronutrient deficiencies are even more noticeable.

The role of magnesium and calcium in the human body are enormous. Although, for example, magnesium deficiency is quite unusual for healthy people, their deficiency is extremely badly perceived by the body and carries some rather unpleasant risks to the quality of life.


Building material for bone structures (99% of calcium is contained in bone tissue), allows you to maintain bone strength.

Calcium is contained in both plant and animal foods in the form of insoluble salts, their absorption into the intestine practically does not occur. Calcium metabolism is regulated by the parathyroid glands.

With a lack of calcium, tachycardia, arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbance), muscle pain, constipation, whitening of the fingers and toes, increased irritability, dullness, memory loss, vision is reduced, nails break, hair falls out. Excess calcium is accompanied by muscle weakness, difficulty in coordinating movements, bone deformities, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urination. Also, an excess of calcium can lead to a deficiency of zinc and phosphorus.

Signs of calcium deficiency:

– skin elasticity decreases

– the condition of hair, nails worsens

– there are defects in tooth enamel, caries

– there is a state of tension, irritability

– there is a desire to eat a piece of chalk or lime

– may cause involuntary trembling of the limbs (tremor)

– the occurrence of nocturnal muscle cramps (noted, as a rule, in the legs)
Regulates the absorption of calcium and ensures its uniform distribution in bone tissue, uniform growth, flexibility and strength of bone tissue, is a necessary part of all cells and tissues, including brain tissue. Participates in the process of neuromuscular excitability, is part of enzymes. If there is not enough magnesium in the cells, calcium takes its place.

It enters the body with water, food and salt. It is found in large quantities in plant foods – almonds, dark green vegetables, bananas, nuts, figs.

With magnesium deficiency, symptoms of excitation of the nervous system are observed, up to convulsions. A decrease in magnesium concentration leads to an excess of calcium and a deficiency of phosphorus.

Magnesium deficiency can lead to loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and weakness. In more severe cases, it can lead to numbness, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, minor personality changes, or low potassium or calcium levels.

Signs of magnesium deficiency:

– cardiovascular: angiospasm, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, tachycardia, arrhythmias, an increase in the QT interval, a tendency to thrombosis, the development of atherosclerosis, the pathological course of pregnancy (toxicosis and gestosis)

– neurological: chronic fatigue syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, decreased attention, depression, anxiety, dizziness, migraine, sleep disturbance, paresthesia, tetany

– visceral: (except cardiovascular): bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hyperkinetic diarrhea, spastic constipation, pylorospasm, nausea, vomiting, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, diffuse abdominal pain, kidney stones

– muscular: skeletal muscle cramps, increased uterine velocity (miscarriage, premature birth)

– premature aging

To restore magnesium levels, add more magnesium-rich foods such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, spinach, and black beans to your regular diet.

What to do

The best way to avoid or make up for nutritional deficiencies is to make sure you are following a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. To compensate for the deficiency of useful calcium and magnesium, specialized vitamin complexes will help. For example, in Gold Ration Calcium & Magnesium vitamin-mineral complex, the active components of calcium and magnesium complement and enhance each other’s action, and the unique 3Level Absorption Formula ensures high absorption, is optimally and safely absorbed by the body and is well tolerated by the digestive system.

If you tend to believe that you have a nutritional deficiency, talk to your doctor. A blood test, trace element analysis, or hair spectrum analysis can help determine which vitamins and minerals your body is lacking.

Working together

Working together as part of the Calcium & Magnesium Gold Ration vitamin-mineral complex, calcium and magnesium simultaneously support several critical physiological processes:

– Participate in the formation and maintenance of a healthy skeleton

– Contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue and the prevention of osteoporosis

– Reduce pain in muscles and joints

– Reduce calf muscle cramps

– Ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system

– Help increase joint mobility

– Contribute to increased activity and performance

Working together as part of the Calcium & Magnesium Gold Ration vitamin-mineral complex, calcium and magnesium simultaneously support several critical physiological processes:

– Participate in the formation and maintenance of a healthy skeleton

– Contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue and the prevention of osteoporosis

– Reduce pain in muscles and joints

– Reduce calf muscle cramps

– Ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system

– Help increase joint mobility

– Contribute to increased activity and performance

Calcium & Magnesium from Gold Ration, a world-famous manufacturer, is suitable for anyone who needs preventive bone strengthening, especially women during menopause, and also as an additional nutritional component in comprehensive osteoporosis therapy programs.

As a pioneer in the nutraceutical industry, Gold Ration has focused on creating innovative vitamins and nutritional supplements for over 25 years to support consumers’ quest for optimal health and active longevity. Our products are cGMP and NSF certified, and the affordable price of our supplements has made the brand’s products popular with consumers in more than 30 countries around the world.

Keep checking back at the Gold Ration Blog for the latest evidence-based content to help you take charge of your health.

Please note that all the information posted on our blog is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action or medical advice and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product.
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